Class of ’07 Episode 1 Recap And Summary: Class of ’07 is an Australian teen comedy-drama series that is created and directed by Kacie Anning. It follows the story of a high school group that gets reunited after ten years and plans a reunion party where the entire school gets isolated along with the rest of the world, as we see in this article.

Whereas in this article, I am going to recap along with the ending explained of episode 1, which is titled “Bird Shit,” where we see all the details of what happened in the first episode of this film that we see in this series and all the details that we see in this article.

Recap & Summary

This series begins with the lead character, Zoe, who is on the reality show The Match. She gets rejected, she gets angry, and she starts destroying the set of the show by smoking, which goes viral. After that, the scene shifts to six months later, where she is now living alone with the dog, where we see some sort of earthquake, and where she receives an emergency phone call and finds another earthquake.

Scene shifts, where we see that some more characters named Amelia tell Genevieve whether Zoe is coming or not, and where we find that Saskia, who is now good and now helping people and getting help from the poor countries where everyone is about to come, might come home as Zoe is not there, and she tells her to wait for her.

Where we see that Zoe follows her dad and he tells her to reach the school; where Teresa is still hanging with Amelia; and where she comes outside to see Zoe; where, inside the house, we see that Renee is with Phoebe; where they talk; where we find that Renee lies to them as they tell them that she is a doctor; and where we find that she is a nail technician; and where they are happy and also surprised to see Zoe.

Ending Explained

After that, Sandy starts filming the entry of Zoe, but Saskia stops when Zoe convinces her that everything is ok, where Amelia comes to meet her and she tells her that she has been gone for 6 months and now everything is ok, and she tries to change the topics so that everything doesn’t give her symptoms, and we see that Zoe finds that Laura is dead, where she wants to go too fast and she takes some drugs, and Amelia tries to get her keys and wants to leave the party.

At the end of episode 1, we see that Zoe says goodbye to Amelia, where she turns off the music and tells them about the situation where they move inside and find out that they are surrounded by water, where they find out that they are ok, and where Megan and Tegan try to cross the river, where they discuss how Amelia saves them from the water, and the episode ends.

Also ReadClass of 07 Ending Explained: Whose Voice Do They Hear Through The Radio?

This is all about episode 1, which includes a recap along with the ending explained, which clears up all the doubt and provides more details than what we saw on the other side. Besides that, let me know in the comment box how much you like this show.



An Engineer By Profession, Moviegeek By Passion. Been Watching and Reviewing Films and Shows From Last 7 Years. Action Movies are in my Blood and Covering the same from last 7 Years.