American Horror Story S12 EP 1 Recap, Plot, Summary and Ending Explained: Episode 1 of Season 12 of AHS, also known as American Horror Story, is now streaming on Hulu with English audio and subtitles. Here is a recap and an explanation of the episode’s ending.

The story begins in an apartment where we are introduced to a girl named Anna, a famous celebrity, who is sleeping in her apartment. She suddenly feels someone hugging her from behind, and she is shocked when she looks back and sees a masked individual in her room. When Anna spots this person, they start running and manage to escape from the room. Anna reports the incident to the police, but there is no one there to assist her.

The story then jumps back to a week earlier, where we see Anna and her partner Alcott attempting to have a baby through IVF, as she cannot get pregnant naturally. They visit a fertility clinic with her husband. Next, we see a woman named Mrs. Preecher engage in a strange conversation with Anna, and Anna also notices another woman who has been following her since morning. Anna returns home, and that night, after taking the prescribed medicines, she starts feeling strange and unwell.

The next day, Anna is in her office, and she learns that she has an interview scheduled with Andy for Thursday. When Anna reviews her schedule, she realizes that she also has an appointment with a doctor for embryo transfer, and she reluctantly agrees to it. Furthermore, Anna discovers that she has signed a doll for her fans, but shockingly, the doll is found in Anna’s bag. Later on, we also learn that Dexter Alcott has a troubled past, and his wife died a long time ago. When Anna and Alcott return home, Anna finds that the medicines are on the table, but she remembers placing them in the fridge the previous night.

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On Thursday, the interview with Andy is going incredibly well for Anna until she spots the same lady who had been following her. That same night, Andy sees the same lady at Dexter’s party. The following day is the day of the embryo transfer, and it goes smoothly. However, at night, while Anna is asleep, she realizes that someone is holding her from behind. When she wakes up, the person runs out of the house. Anna then notices blood all around and a message on the mirror that reads, “Don’t Do it Again, Anna.” Episode 1 ends here.

Episode 1 primarily serves as a setup for the story, and it will be intriguing to see how the show progresses in the upcoming episodes.



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