Alexander the Making Of A God Netflix: Alexander the Making Of A God is a British action-adventure doco series that is based on the journey of Alexander the Great and her journey to become the king. This show is directed by Hugh Ballantyne and contains a total of 6 episodes which will released together on Netflix.

In this article, I am going to cover all the details of this show including the release date, cast details, and plot along with the languages in which it was released, and more which I cover in this article.

This show follows the story of the life of a legendary ruler named Alexandra the Great and shows his life journey where it shows about his victory across the world. This show explores the life of Alexander along with his relationship with his childhood friends and shows the history of his father’s assassination and how he handled this and defeated the prince of Persia named King Darius and more which we see in this show.

This show cast includes Buck Braithwaite, Mido Hamada and Agni Scott. The show also stars Will Stevens, Souad Faress, Dino Kelly, Kosha Engler, Waleed Elgadi, Kosha Engler, Marie-Batoul Prenant, and more.

Alexander the Making Of A God is set to release on Netflix on January 31, 2024, with a total of six episodes and covers the plot of Alexander and will released in Hindi and English languages.

This is all the details about this show whereas let me know in the comment box how much you are exicted about this show.



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