Since The Red Moon Appeared Episode 5: “Since the Red Moon Appeared” is an ongoing Japanese adventure thriller fantasy anime show that is streaming in Japanese language only, with multi-language subtitles like English and Indo subs. As of now, this show isn’t available in India. We have already posted recaps of the previous 4 episodes. Now, we will move towards Episode 5.

Episode 5 starts with the power of the machine increasing more. It was speeding up. The senior was sending commands to Lu. Lu tried to break that machine, but he had to defeat obstacles in his way. He had to defeat a big snail. Demons were also there to beat Lu, but his team saved him. Lu was fighting with everyone; he already defeated more demons by himself only.

He was fighting with that big snail. The senior was seeing everything from his office. She asked about the risk rating, which was already very high. She said the moments of Lu are very crazy, and it is getting illogical.

Lu’s eyes turned red, and he got more powers. Lu said it is the final round to that big snail, and he killed and chopped that snail into pieces. Lu’s sister also came, which was inside his body to help him out in defeating that snail.

Suddenly, one more big problem came in their way, but his team helped him out to get rid of that big fish. After that, we can see the red moon. Lu’s team was saying that we are thankful to Lu Xin; we can see his different avatar in this fight. While searching in that land, Lu discovered that the dead body which is present in that land wasn’t of “Cui Wang.” He tells that to the commander. After that, we can see that long hair was beating Cui Wang; that was his past.

More Episodes From ‘Since The Red Moon Appeared’;

He killed Cui Wang and said it is Qin Ran. He was getting crazy when Lu came to know about his truth. Qin Ran was hiding his personality in the name of Cui Wang. Everyone came to know that.

Cui Wang escaped by hitting Lu’s team. He said he can’t die; he was saying he is Cui Wang, but in reality, he was Qin Ran. Everyone was searching for him. Suddenly, Lu’s team spots a vehicle; he was escaping the town from the border. And they fired the gun on that car, and the car crashed. He was still alive, but by moving just one step only, he fell on the floor.

After that, we can see one guy again who was having long hair; he said, “Replica Failed. It is a waste.” This means someone else is the mastermind, which we will see in the next episodes.

Next Episode: Since The Red Moon Appeared Episode 6: Recap and Explained


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