Not Dead Yet Episode 3: Not Dead Yet is an American sitcom comedy-drama series that was created by David Windsor and Casey Johnson. In this article, we see more details about Nell and her life at high school.
Recap & Summary
Episode 3, titled “Not Out of High School Yet,” begins, whereas episode 2 ends where we see Sam and Nell going to work, where they plan to meet later for lunch. Then, Nell gives Mason his office back where he previously worked, and she now shifts to an open space where we have already seen her ghost named Piper, who is from high school.
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Where we learn that Piper was an influencer who died while attempting to take a selfie from the roof, where Nell finds it amusing because people do that to gain fame, where Dennis begins to worry that Nell is now popular in the office, where Nell tells them that Piper is very bad because she only wants fame, and she now doesn’t want to help her because she is done with her.
And she tries to write a bad, bare-bones letter for her, and after she finishes, Piper vanishes. After that, the scene shifts to lunch, where Sam finds that Nell is upset, and then, Nell explains about the piper’s death, which reminds her of her time, but Sam doesn’t relate to that as he had a great history at his high school.
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Later, we see Lexi ask her to write an obituary for the funeral, which she discovers is about Piper, and she writes a memoir out of frustration. Lexi, on the other hand, wanted Lexi to write the obituary properly because she had approximately 4 million followers on Instagram, where she stated that she wanted a thoughtful and emotional obituary.
Ending Explained
The scene shifts to Dennis, who is upset because someone hung basketball hoops in his office because he had a bad experience with basketball, where Sam tells her to make him calm, and then Piper asks Nell to go to her memorial, where Nell shares her high school trauma about being bullied and how a cricket tries to help her and tells her that they are happy about her.
Following that, Nell returns home and tells Edward to read her obituary and give her opinion; Edward reads this with emotion, and Nell tells Sam and Dennis about her time while writing anything right about Piper; finally, we see Lexi call Nell, and ask her about her assignment, where everything goes well and the episode ends.
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This is all about Episode 3, in which we see Nell’s high school experience and how she deals with it, as well as how social media affects students. More importantly, let me know in the comments section how much you liked this episode and whether you are excited about the next episode