This is a Netflix film after a long story of five seasons of The Last Kingdom (a British story). Even if you did not watch any of the seasons of the story, you may still be able to watch this. It has a historical background view for our modern generations with a crisp of historical moments.

The most important character in this movie is Alexander Draymon (Uhtred in the movie) from Bebbanberg, who leads a so-called community named Northumbria to be the king of the era. Uhtred in the movie is actually in the middle of two biggest decisions: either to make people all around united or to lose his cared ones.

In the movie, at the start, he pledges his allegiance with the Wessex family and the newly coronated Harry Gilby (King Aethelstan) [Successor of King Edward], and the movie follows the persuasion for the crown after the death of King Edward. It also shows the betrayal and traitors’ tactics following around and the very passive Saxon Kings in the north. Throughout the whole movie, you will get to know about the whole journey and a sendoff to our favorite Uhtred.

The storyline has been rushed into the whole time for 2 hours, and it seems to be the wrap-up of a great good time, and at some point in time, it may seem repetitive and just a little dragged with a lot of moments to be shown and discovered with a whole momentum. The story is managed with better momentum. It has the historic castles in the movie, and the scenes are recorded at the historic period of the 20th century.

The action in the movie is quite not great as compared to the other action shown in the British period, it shows not so entertaining or disruptive action scenes but rather calm ones, but they are worth watching.

Negative Points: The story is rather much into time, and it lacks focus on the actions, a woman leads, and victorious motives. Same as the problem in Game of Thrones, the show misses showing the hard and harsh the deaths at the end and just ends it with the information of them being dead, which is also assumably (We won’t release who’s dead just to keep your suspense alive till the end).

It covers a religious aspect. It gives huge recognition and self-doubt to the gay community and makes people believe in it in the end. It follows a woman’s lead and gives it a strong role by the end from the start, making it a non-polar motive movie.

If I may suggest, go watch the movie on Netflix,.” It’s not a long movie. Just 2 hours of your time.

Rating – 2.8/5



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