RAMY Season 2 Recap: When it comes to Slice Of life or Coming Of Age content, there’s quite a lot of it that mixes humour and reality very well and while they portray the protagonist in a way that is relatable and understandable, it usually ends with the lead understanding more about him and his awakening.

In that sense, HULU’s Ramy is something very different because when it aired, nobody expected it to be such a winner which it is, right now and after 2 long years, Season 3 of this very much-awaited series is on its way.

However, while we wait for Season 3 to air it’s good that we revisit last season and keep us up to date as to what happened and what new troubles Ramy got himself into while searching for his own “meaning of life”. Well, here’s what happened in Season 2

Ramy, after getting in a sexual relationship with his cousin at the end of Season 1 finds himself addicted to porn & sugar for which he gets confronted by his friends. He finds out that there’s this Sufi Sheikh that can help him and upon meeting him, Ramy finds this “eager to find peace” feeling that he starts following everything that the Sheikh says and bums out his family when Ramy suddenly starts following the strict laws of Islam.

It isn’t until later that Ramy finds himself in trouble for lying about an army veteran Dennis who has PTSD to the Sheikh for getting him accepted to the Mosque when he violently beats up a protestor when he gets triggered by something from the protestors.

Sheikh feels that he has given Ramy too many things too soon and then gives him another responsibility in the form of a dog called Boomer whom Ramy needs to care for and when Ramy takes Boomer home, his family is upset.

Ramy’s match with Sheikh’s daughter Zainab starts off and it comes to their wedding but before that, Ramy’s cousin Amani comes to attend the ceremony when both of them hook up. Ramy comes clean to Zainab the next day after their wedding ceremony and when he’s taken Zainab’s virginity for which Zainab leaves him and when Ramy goes to Amani, she actually leaves him too.

So, in the end, the search for love and inner peace gets Ramy resulting in nothing and he is sad with Boomer in Dennis’s abandoned car listening to a CD titled “How To Be A Muslim”.

Ramy Season 3 airs on 30th September 2022 on HULU.


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