Music is something that is crucial for everyone and if you hear really closely you can find it in anything, that’s the power of music. There’s a saying that Music transcends space and time and metaphorically, it holds true every time but what if I told you that it’s realistically as well.

A new romantic drama film released on 24th June 2022 titled “Press Play” says exactly that. A young woman, listening to the mixed tape that she and her boyfriend recorded together, whenever she listens to any of that song, it takes her back in time to that moment when they heard that song. With her boyfriend dead in the present, she tries to go back in time and try to save her boyfriend. The film stars Clara Rugaard (Teen Spirit, I Am Mother), Lewis Pullman (Sorry I Missed This, Top Gun: Maverick), and Danny Glover (Lethal Weapon Films).

The film works on different levels, first one is the longing to save someone and trying to go back to those moments that you so cherish and relive them again. Secondly, it’s like a full bag of optimism because you see someone trying so hard to do something and hoping to achieve that one goal that they want to go for.

The third is, the terms you come to. Danny Glover, from the trailer, says that everything is Universe’s plan and it happened for a reason. The terms are, whether you try to undo what has happened and do not accept what the universe gave you or you move on, having faith in the universe.

The film is out and available on Amazon Prime Video.


"I'm just a humble cinephile with a knack for stringing words together. My reviews may not be as fancy as "The Grand Budapest Hotel" but they'll give you a good idea of whether a movie is worth the ticket price. I may not be a "Casablanca" of criticism, but I'll always give you my honest opinion. So join me on this journey of cinematic discovery, it's sure to be "One for the Ages."

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