Love Flops Episode 6 Release Date: Love Flops is a Japanese Anime directed by Nobuyoshi Nagayama and produced by Kadokawa, The series Follows Asahi Kashiwagi, a student who one morning runs into a series of unusual accidents after hearing about his future in a fortune show that morning. He also encountered a girl that morning.

In love Flops Episode 5, Asahi and his friends talk about how beautiful and capable the woman Mongfa Sensei is. The following night, someone kidnaps Asahi, and Mongfa goes to save him. We got to know more about Mongfa in this episode; she’s an ex-agent known as Bloody Tiger.

Love Flops Episode 6 Going to be Released on November 16, Wednesday at 5.30 pm, are you loving the ongoing web series, what do you think about it? Please let us know in the comments, for more news and updates stay tuned with us.



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