Avatar: The Last Airbender is an American action-adventure fantasy comedy-drama series and is a live-action adaptation of the 2005 popular animated series of the same name created by Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino. This show is created by Albert Kim and this show follows the journey of Aang and how he plans to save the future of Benders and become the better Avatar which we see in this show.

In this article, I am going to recap the ending of episode 3 which is titled, “Omashu”. This show is directed by Jabbar Raisani and written by Christine Boylan and this episode covered all the details in this article.

Episode 3 begins with the introduction of Zuko’s sister Azula who is a princess and leads a group of Fire Nation warriors and plans to fight with the enemy and Ozai kills everyone and Katara still struggles with the plans of the water-bending training and Zuko still tries to find Aang with different plans.

After that, Aang and his friends plan to enter the Earth Kingdon City Omashu and he is still in Airbender and he plans to find his father Sai they meet with Aang and tell them to help them where they meet Azula’s friends and they are Ty Lee and Mia and Azula plans to win the throne to fears about Zuko and he still finds the Avatar where Katara finds that Sai is secretly helping the fire nation.

Later, they find the details about Sai’s contact person and kill them along with Jet’s crew and they find that someone is behind the explosion scene with Sai to kill the kings. The scene shifts where Jet and Katara are still struggling and plan to win before the war Jet tells her about her mother who died while she tried bending and they plan to create a water whip that can fly in the air.

The scene shifts, where we see that Aang, Katara, and Sokka plan to agree with Sai and tell him behind the explosion Iroh and Zuko plan to arrive in Omashi and Zhao plans about the Azula and Jet is behind the bombings where he plans to blow the king with Sai whereas Iroh and Zuki plan to engage Aang and Sokka along with Katara plans to save Teo and Sai.

At the end of episode 3, we find that Aang is fighting with Zuko where Zuko plans to save himself with the help of a fire bender and expose himself to Earth Nation Aang plans that he is behind Zuko’s book and he becomes angry and Katara try to use his water technique and Katara plans to bomb that place but they able to save the king and Iroh plans to do fire benders around Zuko but Aang is being captured by the Earth Nation soldiers and he is under arrested and episode ends.

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This is all the details about episode 3 this episode feels a little dragged but the action scene is perfect and engages with the plot. Let me know in the comment box how much you like this show till now.



An Engineer By Profession, Moviegeek By Passion. Been Watching and Reviewing Films and Shows From Last 7 Years. Action Movies are in my Blood and Covering the same from last 7 Years.