Darius In “Alexander The Making of a God” : Netflix presents a historical documentary mini-series called “Alexander: the making of god”. The show revolves around Alexander, the king of Macedonia and Darius, the king of the Persian Empire. The world-famous battle of two emperors and the evolution of Alexander as god’s own son. Alexander was known as the son of Zeus, the true heir of Egypt.

Darius III was an important king in the history of the greatest kings in the world. Darius III was a ruler of the Persian Empire most well-known for losing that empire to Alexander the Great. Darius III Character was portrayed by Mido Hamada. Mido Hamada was an Egyptian-German actor who appeared in films and TV shows, most notably “24”, “Homeland” and “American Sniper”. Born in Cairo, Egypt, and raised in Germany, Hamada was a stellar athlete as a boy. He did an exceptional performance as the great Persian king Darius.

The Persian Emperor Darius was born in 380 B.C. and was known as Codomannus. Darius had early experience in governing and fighting when he served in the army, advancing to the rank of general, and as a satrap, ruling in Armenia. He also had experience as a royal courier. Darius was a cunning man with the idea of winning the battle at all cost. He was one of the wealthiest kings of the ancient world.

Darius III is a man of dignity and he is man of love and affection. He loves his family to the core. He even offered so many bribes to the king of Macedonia, Alexander the great. Darius were always confident about his powers and influence. He thought that he can win any battle without any big competition. He took Alexander’s threat as a young man’s childish act. He underestimated Alexander completely. He cares his wife Stateira alot, he was ready lose his important territories for her.

The moment when Alexander informed that he took Stateira under his custody, Darius was pretty devastated. He offered Alexander, tons of gold, silver, and lands. He was confident that his hundred thousand soldiers can easily outstand and attack forty thousand of Alexander’s army. After the Battle of Issus, Darius left the battle field along with Bessus, the commander of Bactrian troops. Bessus murdered Darius on 330. bc. Darius was known as the final King of the ancient Persian Empire.

That’s all about the character of Darius. If you have any questions regarding it, feel free to ask in the comment section.

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