American historical war drama series ” Shogun” has become the most popular series since its debut. When The show introduced the character Lady ” Ochiba” the show became more interesting as a character is. But let’s know why she hates Toranaga.

Before we start our discussion, let’s know about the story of this series. This is about Lord Toranaga who fights against the conspiracy of The Reagents.

So, Lady Ochiba is the highest-ranking woman in the whole of Japan. She is extremely beautiful, strong & intelligent. She married Taiko to give him a son. Meanwhile, we see her father Kuroda Nobuhisa was killed by a secret assassin. Later she understood it was Akechi Jinsai means father of Mariko. After that, Mariko is also sent off to marry Buntaro.

Her hatred increased but as time passed she understood it was Toranaga who manipulated Akechi Jinsai to kill Mariko’s father. By this, her hatred for Lord Toranaga increases. She met with Ishido and planned with him to take down Toranaga at any cost. Her conspiracy takes this series to another level. She also wants to take out her son from any type of battle.

That’s the reason why she hates Toranaga. But if we know about the book, later Ochiba will marry with Toranaga. Let’s see if we gonna see this next season.

That’s all. If you have any more questions left, you can ask in the comment section.


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