AtelierPontdarc anime titled “Uncle From Another World” also known as “Isekai Ojisan” released its 4th Episode of the first season this week and garnered very positive reviews because of his hilariousness and dark comedy. This comes after we saw a lot of positive story development in the episode. From only Uncle & Takafumi in the mix, the story has introduced one more character Fujimiya, a childhood friend of Takafumi who has feelings for him.
Now, what we see right now is a trio instead of a duo and it works because on one side Uncle & Takafumi living their lives and buying things unnecessarily (Coffee Machine this time, earlier it was 15KG rice) and on the other side, Fujimiya is trying to seduce or make him see her in a romantic perspective way. It suffices to say that all of this combined makes up for good entertainment.
The show is going very well and is one of the top anime this season with the ratings sustaining at a high rate. The score of the anime is also being loved a lot. Probably because of that, this might sting a little. For the anime fans, this weekly released anime’s Episode 5 has been delayed due to increased COVID-19 infections in the studio’s office.
Episode 5 which was going to release on 4th August will release on 17th August 2022 instead. The Episode will be available to stream on Netflix and broadcast on AT-X in Japan.