How Tony Able To Escaped From Grandmaster Sakaar? : What If…? is a sci-fi superhero-based action-adventure animated anthology drama series whereas this show is created by A.C. Bradley and is based on the Marvel Comics series and is considered as the first animated series of Marvel and the show explores the alternate timelines in the multiverse where we see the story about the different timelines.

In this show, we see that Tony Stark escapes from the Sakaar secure facility by using an arc reactor where we see that he re-designs his superhero suit and hacks into Grandmaster’s system where he challenging him to a race where the winner will take charge of the planet.

We see that Sakaar falls into Tony’s trap and takes the challenge without further ado and Tony uses his Arc Reactor to fuel his suit-cum-racecar but the evil dictator still struggles to accept his defeat and it leads to his death by his own general named Topaz where Tony saved the planet from Grandmaster but did not intend to rule it.

Also Read: What If Season 2 Episode 5 Explained

As we already know Tony plans to save the earth from the Thanos and Tony’s spaceship leaves the planet where Gamora arrives and informs Stark she must return to her father and they plan a surprise attack on her Thonas by using Topaz’s melting staff to kill Thanos and end his legacy. and she becomes a Titan killer and survivor of Sakaar from the Grandmaster.

This is all about the details about this, hope you like it, and let me know in the comment box how much you like this show and are you excited for the next episode.



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