Netflix’s All Together Now Full Story & Ending Explained: All Together Now is a brand new movie that is a teen drama that premiered on Netflix a while back. The movie shows the difficulties that a teenager has to go through in making his or her future secure.

The film beautifully portrays the actual struggle, stress, challenges, sorrow, pain, defeat a teenager has to go through and in fact in doing so the movie delves into the darkness throughout the course of its runtime but the ending suggests that in the darkest of times there can be hope and you should always stay positive because good things will happen. Let’s discuss the ending of the movie.


The movie revolves around a high school teenager named Amber. Amber has been living a really shitty life, though talented in many fields she has been a quiet girl because of her grief. Her father died when Amber was really young. This made her and her mother to suffer from poverty. But things were alright till her mother was able to earn money, but after she lost her work things started to go horribly wrong as they were forced into homelessness. With her mother into an abusive relationship, it was really a depressing situation for Amber Struggling to make ends meet they suffered a lot.

But even after these tough times Amber excelled in her studies and desired to be into a good college for her further education and future. But after she is struck with a tragedy she loses herself and her life has no meaning at all for her .

The Ending

After the death of her mother, Amber lost all hope and started being on her own. She became so resilient that she didn’t want anything in her life. Moreover, she was sad to her core that she was unable to spend time with her mother in her last times, and when she needed Amber the most. When she thinks that nothing more could go wrong with her, she is faced with another tragedy in the form of her dog getting sick .

After going to the doctor, she realizes that her dog has a mass growing inside its body and if not operated could kill him. Amber does not have the money for her dog’s treatment so she starts to work more and doing odd jobs to make more money. The people around her are not ignorant about her situation and try to help her in some or the other way. But Amber after facing so much in her life never thought and made herself like that, that she could take help from someone else and she was all alone in her life and has to do it all by herself.

Because of working around 70 hours a week, she is forced to drop out of her school. She whole processing grief of her parents’ death realizes that she is not only giving away her future which can be really good and bright but also the people around her. At her school, Ty and Amber had been working on a variety show in which every year the proceedings would go to some charity. But this year Ty and the others decided that the proceedings will be handed over to Amber so that she can achieve her goal of 8000$ for her dog. Most of the school donate amount which gets close to 6000$ which makes Amber really happy. But then an anonymous donation of 200k $ shocks everyone including Amber. Now with this money she doesn’t have to work and doesn’t have to drop out of the school, her future is secured.

Afterward, she realizes that it was Joan who gave the big amount to her. It is revealed that when Amber was faking happiness with her wry smiles and sarcastic comments, Joan realized that Amber is alone from inside and is doing everything she can to save her dog. It is then, Joan got attached to Amber. So she gave her the money as she considered Amber as her own family.

Amber realizes that she was wrong thinking that taking help from others is not a good thing and a sign of weakness. She believes that if you are having a bad time going on in your life, then taking help from others will not make you weak or small but it is for your own benefit. She changes her mind about everything and while remembering her past she decides to look into the future no matter what happens. We see her going for the interview at Carnegie, whether or not she gets selected, but she is happy living her life and trying to do best.


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