A Gentleman In Moscow Episode 4: Paramount Plus presents ‘A Gentlemen in Moscow’, a period drama series. The Russian drama plot revolves around Alexander Rostov, a man from a prestigious royal family from Moscow, who gets arrested by the Bolshevik party and kept as a hostage at the Metropol hotel for his entire.

They also appoint special officers to restrict Alexander Rostov from getting out of the hotel, if ever gets out, he will be shot to death by the soldiers. The rest of the story tells about his survival days inside the Metropol hotel.

Episode 4 begins in 1932 at the Metropolis Hotel. Alexander Rostov completes ten years at the Metropol hotel as a prisoner. For the past few years, Alexander Rostov has been working as a waiter at Metropol hotel. He has a great knowledge of wine and food, which added more superiority for his service. Russia changed a lot after the rule by Stalin, people from other countries started visiting Russia. Alexander Rostov seems happy with his job as a waiter. One day, while Alexander Rostov serving the dishes, an American lady expresses her interest in writing about Alexander Rostov.

Previous Episode: A Gentleman In Moscow Episode 3 Recap and Explained

Later after a few days, Osip kept coming and going through the Metropol hotel to meet Alexander Rostov. Osip orders a task for Alexander Rostov, to examine the activities of a new Minister of Culture named Alexei Nachevko. Anna Urbanova had a secret agreement with Alexander Rostov, they frequently shared bed together and showed great chemistry between them.

After the introduction new minister, Anna Urbanova slowly gets in touch with him for her survival at the film industry. Alexander Rostov refuses the order from Osip, but he has been blackmailed by Osip and ends up accepting the order.

On a random day, years later, Nina shows up at the Metropol Hotel. Alexander Rostov is shocked and happy to see her once again. Nina seems to avoid him in front of everyone, she’s still following Stalin and his visions. The next day, Nina comes back to see Alexander Rostov, she apologizes to him for her rude behaviour before. In a conversation with Alexander Rostov, Nina explains the importance of Stalin’s upcoming projects.

Alexander Rostov expresses his happiness while meeting her after years, he opens a secret door, which Nina didn’t notice before. Alexander Rostov took Nina to the top of the Metropol hotel, Nina felt amazed to see Moscow from the top of the building.

More Episodes: A Gentleman in Moscow Episode 2 Recap and Explained

Meanwhile, Alexander Rostov and Nina once again shared their stories above the terrace of the Metropol Hotel. Alexander Rostov serves a tasty honeycomb to Nina as a gesture of happiness. He insists she to stay at the hotel for dinner, but she denies his request because she already booked a train, which left that night. Osip comes again to meet Alexander Rostov, he explains that Mishka is a threat for his party, in the other room, Mishka is listening to their conversation.

At the hotel kitchen, one of the waiter workers gets terminated his duties by the influence of the communists. Alexander Rostov felt sad after Nina left the hotel. By looking at the waiter’s miserable situation, Alexander Rostov quickly goes to visit Anna Urbanova.

Alexander Rostov rushes into Anna Urbanova’s room and looks for her. There he meets the new minister, who’s having dinner with Anna Urbanova. The minister seems to have an idea of the secret relationship between Alexander Rostov and Anna Urbanova. Alexander Rostov felt disappointed by the response of Anna Urbanova, she told him that, she doesn’t have much personal connection with Alexander Rostov.

Later, the minister left her room and Alexander Rostov tells her that, it’s very much dangerous to live with the minister. Years later, Nina comes to meet Alexander Rostov, and tells him a story about her husband who got arrested in protest. Nina brought her kid to make her safe in Alexander Rostov’s hands. In the end , Nina explains that she’s going to save her husband and it will take some time. Alexander Rostov felt shocked with the unexpected visit of Nina.

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Overall the episode went through many unexpected moments. The combination scenes between Nina and Alexander Rostov was good. The episode felt dragging at many parts, but the performance lifted up very much. Let’s see what happens to Nina on the upcoming episodes.


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