A Gentleman In Moscow Episode 1: Paramount Pictures presents a periodic war series named ‘A Gentlemen in Moscow’. This limited series is based on Amor Towles’s acclaimed novel of the same name. The plot revolves around a royal family member who gets banned from wandering around Moscow for the rest of lives.

The Bolshevik party orders him to stay in a hotel for his entire life, if ever gets out, he will be shot to death. How he survives and plots his escape to the outer world is the rest of the story.

Episode 1 starts with a historical note. In 1917, the revolution and execution of the royal family changed the face of Russia overnight. During the next four years, the Leninists reorganised the country. The Tsarist aristocracy was eradicated. The opening scene happens in 1921, the first shot focuses on big moustache man named Alexander Rostov, who is sitting at a Bolshevik tribunal in Moscow. A young aristocrat is being beaten by the soldiers and taken to the execution.

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Alexander Rostov seems tensed and worried about his situation. Later, two soldiers came to him and took him to the court. Two Bolshevik soldiers came for Alexander Rostov, they took him to the Bolshevik Tribunal. The authorities start questioning him about his whereabouts. His full name is Alexander Ilyich Rostov, he came back from Paris after the Bolshevik revolution. He was staying at the luxurious Metropol Hotel, he stated that his house had been burned during the revolution. The reason for Alexander Ilyich Rostov being questioned by the Bolshevik Tribunal is because of his 1913 poem,“Where’s Our Purpose Now?”.

The Bolshevik Party members believe that the poem motivated others for the revolution. The tribunal found him as a threat to their party and ordered him to stay at the hotel forever. If Alexander Ilyich Rostov ever goes out of the hotel, he will be shot to death immediately. After the court order, Alexander Rostov was transferred to the Metropol Hotel by the Bolshevik soldiers. The hotel staff was shocked to see Alexander Rostov with Bolshevik soldiers. He greeted everyone and went straight to his room.

A superior officer came in and took him to a local hotel room and told him to stay there forever without many privileges from vip suitroom. Without any hesitation or arguments, Alexander Rostov accepted the new changes. He starts his imprisonment inside the hotel, he has been offered food for the rest of his life. He went to the diner and ordered his favourite dishes, he still got the same honour from the hotel staff. After eating dinner, he went to cut his hair, and then back to his room.

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Alexander Rostov continues the same routine for 47 days straight without leaving the hotel. At the morning, Alexander Rostov once again went to make up his hair and moustache, the barber invited him to sit on the chair, but there was already a man on the waiting list, when Alexander Rostov got an extra consideration, the man tried to attack him. Later, while standing at the reception hall, a group of musicians enters the hotel, one of the violinists is Prince Nikolai. Alexander Rostov had a close conversation with him, he talked about their families and the threats facing the country.

Nikolai requests Alexander Rostov not to address him as Prince. Later that night, Nikolai tells Alexander Rostov to join with him to escape the country, but Alexander Rostov rejects his offer and replies that he won’t leave the country again. Meanwhile, the next day morning Alexander Rostov orders a special dish and starts eating, suddenly a beautiful girl child sits in front of him and requests him a part of the dish. He gives the dish and they start a conversation. She asked him about war and princes, and after the chit chat she left the table.

Metropol hotel manager later calls Alexander Rostov for a conversation. He was worried about his hotel and staff due to the pressure from the Bolshevik party. The staff is still addressing Alexander Rostov as the Highness, and the party members already spying on everyone from the hotel, he states that staying at the hotel is more dangerous for Alexander Rostov. The next day, Alexander Rostov rethinks about staying at the hotel forever. He gives some money to Nikolai to make arrangements for the travel.

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Later, a girl named Nina Kulikova came to meet Alexander Rostov, she showed him many secret doors and paths inside the hotel. Alexander Rostov saw a secret opening to the outside world.

That night, he tells Nikolai to escape alone from the country. One of the spies at the hotel hears them talking about the escape plan. The soldiers listed Nikolai’s name in the execution list. Later that night, Nikolai depressingly plays the violin knowing that he is going to die that night. Alexander Rostov also has tears in his eyes watching Nikolai playing the song.

Suddenly, a group of soldiers came in and took away Nikolai outside the hotel. It seems the soldiers shot Nikolai to death, at the same time Alexander Rostov kept crying in the lobby after losing his beloved friend.

Overall the first episode was truly emotional. The life of Alexander Rostov after the revolution was complete chaos. The combination of scenes between Alexander Rostov and Nina Kulikova was pretty much good. Let’s see whether Alexander Rostov will escape the hotel or not in upcoming episodes.



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