The Gardener in the ‘Red Rose’: Red Rose is a British horror thriller drama series written and created by Paul and Michael Clarkson that tells the story of high school students and how their lives are affected after discovering and connecting with an app called Red Rose.
Whereas in this article, I am trying to break down the character whose details are not known to everyone but who has a name called “The Gardener,” and I will try to tell you everything about him or her and more, whereas this series is now streaming on Netflix and also on BBC.
As the series runs, we get the word “gardener,” where in the last episode we find that this is a woman to whom he refers, and she is the mastermind behind the evolution of the Red Rose App, as she is the one who manipulates Jacob to give his app access to her and make this app like something else that can be used to watch people’s lives through their smartphones.
Also Read: Who Is the Mastermind Behind the Red Rose App?
In the previous episode, a man kidnaps Rick, Wren’s father, and she attempts to make his kidnapping news, whereas she plays the games without revealing her true identity to anyone.
This is all about The Gardener and her plans, but I also explain how she is related to Jacob and other things, so that’s it; please let me know how much you enjoy the show in the comments section.