The Capture is a British mystery thriller drama series, where the first season was released on September 3, 2019, in the United States and also on BBC One for UK audiences. After that, this series received a positive response from audiences as well as critics, and they announced season 2, which is set to release on November 3, 2022.

This series follows the story in wartime Afghanistan, where the former British army Lance Corporal Sjaen Emery finds himself in the murky legal case of his barrister Hannah Roberts. In season 2, due to a rise in politics, Issac Turner finds himself caught up in a deep love triangle with Rachel.

After the season ended on a cliffhanger, fans are getting hyped for the next season, so for that audience, we are going to share the renewed status of season 3.

According to the premiere season records of The Capture, season 1 will be released on September 5, 2019, while season 2 will air on November 3.

Following that timeline, we could maybe expect the third season in mid-to-late 2024, however, the official confirmation about the new season is yet to be awaited.



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