“The Bequeathed” Episode 4: The Bequeathed is a Korean suspense thriller drama series that is now streaming on Netflix and is based on the webtoon of the same name created by Kang Tae-Kyung the plot of the show revolves around a working woman named Yoon Seo-ha where she finds that her husband is being cheated on her with another woman and in the last of episode 3 we see that Hong-sik is being murdered by someone and more we see in this episode.

In this article, I am going to recap, the plot details and ending explanation of episode 4 in detail which will cover all the details about this episode.

At the beginning of episode 4, we see that Choi continues to find the details about the talisman and finds a temple where he finds some blood and a woman catches Detective Choi and pulls a gun in his head and the scene shifts to Seo-ho where we see that she try to get the information about the case but no one response to her call and messages.

Where we see that someone picks a call and tells her to meet him and we see that she is in danger where Young-Ho finds out about her and follows her to save her from that person and he tells the cop about that situation but she doesn’t trust her half brother and refuse him to any help but he manages to save her but cops caught him.

Later, Park and some guys go to search for the missing rifle in Young-Ho’s house where they find a cult room which is devoted to his father and there is some disturbing image in which some ritual is happening. On the other hand, they find the location of Hong-sil but they aren’t able to find any evidence about that and for that, they need the signature of Seo-ho about her brother but refuse.

At the last of episode 4, we find that Choi receives a call from the hospital people from the morgue telling him that Young-ho is running before the DNA test where we find that there is someone else blood and the blood matches with some woman’s and the doctor tells him to look about their family details and finds if there is someone else in his family, where we find that some mask men kidnap Young-go in a car and episode ends.

This is all the in-depth details about episode 4 of this show where I cover the plot, summary, and ending details of this episode. Let me know in the comment box that how much you like this show.

More Episodes From The series;

  1. The Bequeathed Episode 1 Explained
  2. The Bequeathed Episode 2 Explained
  3. The Bequeathed Episode 3 Summary and Explained

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