It looks like the universe of Stranger Things is expanding greatly after its heavy and loaded success worldwide. Duffer Brothers seems to have got a gold mine by making the show.

They’ve established their own production house named Upside Down Pictures and the Stage Show of Stranger Things is one of the projects they’ll be working on after the final season of Stranger Things.

It is believed that the show will feature its original story and won’t take any big bites from the show. However, nothing concrete is confirmed yet but we can definitely expect a great stage play since this is coming from the Duffer Brothers.

Stephen Daldry, Netflix, and Sonia Friedman will be producing this play while twenty-one more people will be playing associate producers of this project.

Stranger Things dropped on Netflix on May 27th and concluded the season finale on July 1st. Since its grand release, Stranger Things has become the second biggest hit show on Netflix right after Squid Game. The show has crossed 1 billion hours of watch time which is historical for the makers and the show itself.

Duffer Brothers will start working on the final season of Stranger Things which will be Season 5 very soon. They have locked the story and concepts and the production will go on floors as soon as the script is ready.


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