“What health problem is George hiding? Secrets can lead to more complications in a relationship. Let’s see how their marriage is going to be rebuilt as we recap episode 3. We are covering the episode wise recap of the show and you can also check Episode 1 and Episode 2 Recap of the show too for better connection.

Brimsley saw King George with a physician and wanted to know why he wasn’t with the Royal Doctor, but Reynold didn’t answer him. On the account of Ton’s disapproval, because they wanted someone from Agatha’s side to host a ball, Lady Ledger, the mother of young Bridgerton, and her father, Lord Ledger, tried to stop the racial segregation of Ton.

On the other side, Young Agatha Danbury wants permission from Lady Augusta to host the season’s first ball. Augusta is among the black people, but typically only white people own the first ball. Agatha informed Queen Augusta that Charlotte is happy with Prince George, but the truth is that Charlotte and George have a relationship only to make babies.

Later, Charlotte asked Brimsley for a royal party, but he denied it, stating that the king doesn’t allow any events in the palace. When she asked to go out, Brimsley replied that the king never attends any gatherings in the palace. Taking with Brimsley, young Charlotte learned about some of King George’s health problems. Later that night, during intimacy, she asked him about it, and George tried to hide it by saying it was coronation day, and that’s why the doctor came for a checkup.

Young Agatha informed Queen Augusta about everything, every detail of Charlotte. At that time, Young Agatha suggested organizing a ball to bring them closer together. She already decided to host the Ball of this season.

Also Read: Queen Charlotte A Bridgerton Story Episode 1 Recap & Explained

The Bridgerton family was also invited to the season’s first ball by Young Agatha. On the other side, we saw that King George was down-to-earth and enjoyed agriculture. Later, Lord Bute said that all white people become angry when Lady Danbury organizes a ball. So, Bute demanded to stop the ball. When Young Agatha found no way to organize the ball, she went to Queen Charlotte for help. After Agatha, Lady Charlotte started to think about this and her ability to be Queen.

George said to Charlotte that he loves being a simple man and loves to do farming with ordinary people. Charlotte and George began to understand each other, and they both decided to decorate the palace. Charlotte wanted to make George attend a function, and later, one of the lords and queens who denied joining Agatha’s organized ball, reached the place. They were happy because King George invited them, and in fact, Lord Danbury was also invited to join the hunt with white lords. Later, we saw Lady Augusta, mother of King George, also reached there.

A dancing celebration started, and all kings and queens were happy. There was no racism behind their celebration. We found that King George was a good king, and he and Charlotte became closer. After the celebration, Lord Danbury died during sex with Lady Agatha Danbury. Agatha was happy because on one side she changed England’s old racist tradition, and on the other side, she was free from her old husband’s control.

In one night, Queen Charlotte found out that King George was hallucinating in the night and saw Venus in the sky. Charlotte calmed him by saying she is Venus.

Back in the present, Queen Charlotte asked her daughter to marry someone. Later, Lady Danbury met with Violet Bridgerton and was upset because it was her husband’s birthday. Queen Agatha understood her pain and said she was fortunate. Agatha went to meet with Lady Bridgerton, who said that Bridgerton loves Admond, and that’s why she paid tribute to her husband.

Also ReadQueen Charlotte A Bridgerton Story Episode 2 Recap & Explained

On the other side, Agatha hates her husband, this is the reason She said ” Fortunate” to Queen Bridgerton. Later  Queen Charlotte why her daughter aren’t marriage yet.Old Brimsley said to her, that her daughters actually love her that’s why they don’t want to leave their mother.

This is how Episode 3 ended,with some mysteries we get to know about some Mysterious problem about King George. Let’s jump in to the next episode to know What was he facing from Inside.



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