“Heeramandi” Episode 1 Summary: Netflix presents their eight episodic Indian periodic drama series “Heeramandi”. This series is created by the famous Indian director Sanjay Leela Bhansali. The series have almost one hour of runtime per episode.

The story of the lives of courtesans which was controlled by Mallikajaan before the independence in India were the British ruled at that time. The betrayal of power and wealth by the people surrounding is the story of the series. The British had a good relationship with Nawabs and Nawabs were lured by courtesans with music and other seductions.

The series starts in 1920 in Lahore. In a big castle, Mallikajaan with her newborn kid was sleeping. Her sister Fareedan went there and took the kid with her servants and sold it to a noble family for jewellery. When Mallikajaan woke up the kid was not there, she searched everywhere and found that Fareedan had taken away the kid while she was sleeping.

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Mallikajaan asked about her kid but Fareedan told her she sold the kid because she the authority there as she was the head. Mallikajaan cursed Fareedan and told her one day she would take away everything from Fareedan. Twenty years passed. Things changed, now Mallikajaan had aged and she was the head of the castle. They are courtesans who sing, dance and seduce the visitors and thus earn money and respect. While Mallikajaan was doing henna on her feet, an English guy came to meet her with a pimp guy.

They said they had a device to show her. Mallikajaan met them and asked about the device. The English guy introduced her to a gramophone which play the songs of the artists. He wanted to record Bibbojaan’s song in it and sell across the world. But Mallikajaan declines the offer and tells them if anyone wants to hear her songs they need to come hear and listen.

Bibbojaan was singing and dancing as a courtesan in Wali Mohammed’s place. Looked like she was enjoying it. At the same time Mallikajaanwas accompanying Zulfikar who said he was getting awarded by the British for showing his loyalty to them and betraying India. Mallikajaan asks her servants about the rewards Bibbojaan got today, her sister Waheeda tells her it is sufficient today and shows her. But Mallikajaan had doubts about Waheeda and told servants to check her dress to see if there was any jewellery on her.

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They found nothing and Waheeda went out crying. Apparently, it’s true that Waheeda hidden some rewards. Mallikajaan’s servant went to wake up Mallikajaan’s daughter Alamzeb. Alamzeb is a writer and a poet, she likes to write and read but her mother doesn’t like her doing those. While dressing, the servant broke her mother’s necklace from Alamzeb’s neck. Alamzeb gave the pearls fell from the necklace to Mallikajaan but one pearl was missing. Mallikajaan warned her to find the missing pearl or that the servant would be sold to buyers. Alamzeb searched for the pearl inside the water and found the pearl.

She gave it to Mallikajaan and asked for forgiveness. Mallikajaan told Alamzeb to get ready to become a courtesan and organised a function to announce Alamzeb as a courtesan. Alamzeb told Bibbojaan and Lajjo that she didn’t want to marry or be a courtesan, she wanted to become a poet.

Tajdar came back to India after his study at Oxford. He met his grandmother and she introduced him to her friends. Tajdar met his father and told him he was going to work as a lawyer in a Bombay company as he didn’t want to be a puppet to the British. He opposes the British while his father favours them. Ustaadji asks Tajdar’s grandmother to wed him to Mallikajaan’s daughter. Tajdar doesn’t like to go to Heeramandi as women were used for bad things there.

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A British police officer came to meet Mallikajaan and asked for courtesans to play in his house at night. But Mallikajaan refused it and made him leave there angrily. Later Mallikajaan asks Alamzeb if she is coming with her for an event. But Alamzeb declines it saying her health is not good, but Mallikajaan tells her it’s poetry and goes there. When Alamzeb got to know it was poetry she went there with Mallikajaan without her seeing in her vehicle.

At the poetry event Tajdar saw Alamzeb, they made eye contact and met each other. Tajdar was introduced to Mallikajaan by his grandmother but he behaved rude to her. Way back home Mallikajaan found out Alamzeb was with her and burned her books as a punishment. Bibbojaan got information from Wali Mohammed about a firing that is going to happen at the protest. Bibbojaan and Alamzeb went to the library to buy books for Alamzeb.

Bibbojaan met the protester’s head told the information and gave a gun she had hidden at the library before. Alamzeb met Tajdarat at the library. She thought Tajdar worked there. When she came out the protest became violent and Tajdar came to help her and one guy who fell there. When an officer pointed the gun to kill them the protestant head killed the officer.

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Overall the pilot episode had a slow start, and moving further the plot got widely open and showed what the real story happening. Some romantic moments also got started. Let’s see how this gonna developep.

