Too Hot to Handle is back with its 5th installment, and the show is expected to perform well on Netflix. The previous seasons were blockbuster seasons, and the show gained a great amount of popularity. The main season of the show became a franchise, and it started in Brazil too.
This time, an even hotter cast is joining the season, and we’re here to tell you more about this dating reality series. We will provide information about every contestant of the show.
Now, let’s talk about the contestant Hannah Brooke.
She’s an Instagram and TikTok influencer with a fan base of more than 500k followers on Instagram. She’s already very popular and hot. Do you think she’ll be able to win? Netflix also revealed her on their Instagram handle @toohotnetflix; you can check that out. She’s a singer, model, and actress, and she’s from Los Angeles.
Her Instagram ID is @hannahbrooke.