Garouden The Way of the Lone Wolf Season 2 Release Date: Netflix presents an high-octane action anime called ‘Garouden: The Way of the Lone Wolf’. This Japanese action anime series deals with the story of Juzo Fujimaki, a cold-blooded fighter. He is a murder fugitive and he escapes from his place after murdering a robber.

Later after seven years, he gets exposed to his new place after killing a brown bear. Various organisations and criminals start to look for him for their personal interests. He eventually joins an underworld tournament among deadly fighters around the world.

Garouden: The Way of the Lone Wolf is an anime adaptation based on the novel series by Baku Yumemakura. The series consists of eight episodes with an average duration of twenty-four minutes. The anime is made in Japanese and Netflix presented it in different languages across the globe. The series premiered on May 23rd and got very good reviews from anime lovers.

The show deals with a bunch of martial arts fighters from Japan. A Takemiya fighter named Juzo Fujimaki is the lead character in this show. Juzo Fujimaki kills a man with his powers and runs away from his place. Seven years later, various organisations find out about his new location when he accidentally kills a large brown bear with bare hands.

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The first season deals with the after-effects of Juzo Fujimaki when he exposed himself by killing a big brown bear. Various organisations, powerful people and national intelligence found out his location and came looking for him. He tried to escape from reality without fighting with humans. But, many powerful fighters wanted to approach him for a duel, and at some point, he had to accept their invitation. A police officer named Tamon, who had a bad past with Juzo Fujimaki also tried to catch him for seven years.

Later fighter named Jose Carlos came in to fight with Juzo Fujimaki, infact he had a different motive for his combat. A secret underworld tournament called Kodoku, which is conducted by Sergeant hired most deadliest fighters from Japan. She chose Juzo Fujimaki as one of the contestants.

The season one finale showcased a massive combat between Juzo Fujimaki and Himekawa. After becoming the sole winner of the Kodoku tournament, he earned freedom from his murder case. But still he denied the offer from the Sergeant to meet his master Soichiro Izumi. His master got defeated by one of the deadly fighters. Saeko, the daughter of Soichiro Izumi is now committed to Himekawa, but Juzo Fujimaki loved her in the past, got separated after the murder.

He chooses a combat with Himekawa to get back with Saeko. During this tournament, Shozan Matsuo orchestrated the whole event, when police arrived to catch Juzo Fujimaki, he stopped them untill the end of the match. In the end of the finale, Juzo Fujimaki failed in front of Himekawa’s moves. He got arrested by the police.

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Season two of Garouden: The Way of the Lone Wolf will concentrate more on Himekawa and Bunshichi Tanba. Himekawa will settle with Saeko at the house of Soichiro Izumi. Bunshichi Tanba expertise in his martial arts powers to defeat Himekawa. Years later, Juzo Fujimaki will also comes for a battle with Himekawa and Bunshichi Tanba after getting out of jail.

More tournaments will happen on next season for sure. Netflix didn’t announce anything regarding the renewal of this show yet. Hopefully, they will announce the renewal and release date of the season through official websites sooner. Inside reports says that the second season will arrive on next year summer.

All 8 episodes of Garouden: The Way of the Lone Wolf is currently streaming through Netflix in multiple languages.
