Everything Will Be Fine Movie Cast: Everything Will Be Fine in the End is a psychological drama film that follows three grifters who live their lives by swindling. The film is directed by Joe Bartone II, who has directed many short films and music videos, making this his first feature film.
In this article, I will introduce you to the cast of Everything Will Be Fine in the End.
Who Played George?
George is one of the lead characters in the film, and the role is portrayed by Elsa Kennedy. Elsa Kennedy is a singer and actor. She is not active on Instagram or Twitter; her only presence is on Facebook, although her account has been inactive since 2022.
Who Played Renka?
Renka is another lead character in the film, portrayed by Cheska Zaide, who is also a singer and actor. You can follow her on Instagram with the username @cheskazaide.
Who Played Kai?
Kai is one of the main lead characters in this indie movie, and the role is played by drummer Steven Michael Martin. Interestingly, in the movie, Kai can’t play a drum, but in real life, actor Steven Michael Martin won a National Award for Drumming. He is very active on the internet and can be followed on Instagram and Twitter with the handle @stevenmartinofficial.
Who Played Buzz?
Buzz is the antagonist in the movie, and you can say that all those things started because of him. Buzz is portrayed by actor and writer Kent Harper, who is very active on Instagram. You can follow him @kentharper.