Eileen Sun In ‘The Brothers Sun’ : “The Brothers Sun” is an American action black comedy-drama television series directed by Mikkel Bondesen and Kevin Tancharoen, and created by Brad Falchuk and Byron Wu for Netflix. This show follows the story of Charles, who is the eldest son of the Sun Family. His mission is to protect his mother and more, as depicted in this show.

In this article, I am going to talk about the lead cast of this show, named Eileen Sun, also known as Mama Sun, where I will cover all the details about this character in this article.

In this show, we see that Eileen Sun is the head of the Sun family. She moves to Los Angeles with her son to protect him from the triad life in Taipei. We see that she is a gangster, and we find that Charles, who is the elder son of the family, comes to LA to protect his mother and younger brother after his father died.

Later, we find that Eileen is the wife of a Taiwanese triad kingpin, and after his death, she escapes from her home in Los Angeles after provoking gangsters in Taipei. Years later, we see that her older son Charles joins her in California to protect her and her younger brother Bruce.

In this show, Michelle Yeoh played the role of Eileen Sun, whereas we already know that she also has an Oscar-winning performance in 2022’s “Everything Everywhere All at Once,” and we also see her in different movies and series, including “Crazy Rich Asians,” “Tomorrow Never Dies,” “Hidden Dragon,” and more.



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