Does Boyd Crowder Return? : FX original presents an eight-episode American crime drama series, “Justified: City Primeval,” from the “Justified” franchise. All episodes of “Justified: City Primeval” are currently streaming on FX and Hotstar (India) with English audio and subtitles.

In this article, we will discuss Boyd Crowder and whether he will return or not. But before the discussion, let’s get an overview of this story. In the popular show “Justified,” we know about a US Marshal known as Raylan Givens. “City Primeval” is set after Raylan is sent to Detroit City for a new journey.

From the original “Justified” series, Boyd Crowder has always been an important antagonist. He has also returned in this spin-off. “Justified: City Primeval” has ended, and Raylan decided to announce his retirement as a US Marshal. Meanwhile, his all-time favorite foe, Boyd Crowder, escaped from jail. So, it means he must return in season 2 of “Justified: City Primeval.” If he returns, we can assume that our favorite hero, Raylan, also returned to his job.

Raylan was enjoying his retirement life with his daughter, and meanwhile, he got the news that Boyd Crowder had escaped from security while being transferred to a different jail. It means Raylan will be back to hunt him.

So, for now, Boyd Crowder has returned, and this game is getting interesting. Let’s wait for the next season for more surprises.



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