Netflix Original presents an American animated adventure series called “Skull Island” from the Monsterverse franchise. The series is created and written by Brian Duffield. This series is based on the Monsterverse and tells the journey of a group of explorers trapped on Skull Island, where they encounter mysterious creatures, including King Kong and his enemies. People want to know about Charlie and who is behind his voice, so let’s discuss it with character explanations.

The character “Charlie” is voiced by Nicolas Cantu. He is a 19-year-old young American actor who has done many animated series like “Lego Star Wars” (2016-2017), “Teenage Mutant Ninja” (2023), and “Dragon Rescue, Movies & Series.”

In the series, Charlie plays a vital role. He actually wanted to study in college, but due to his father and best friend Mike, he joins this sea adventure. After reaching Skull Island, he falls in love with the island. He becomes friends with a dog and also obtains a plant to kill the sea monster with the help of Kong.

Also Read: Skull Island Ending Explained

That’s all about Charlie. Feel free to comment if you have any remaining queries.



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