Cafe Minamdang K Drama: KBS2’s New Drama titled “Café Minamdang” has premiered on June 27 and also with the first two episodes released, the new drama has landed No.1 in ratings. Nielsen Korea reported an average rating of 5.7%.

The drama opened on the slot previously taken by “Bloody Heart”. Café Minamdang tells the story of a criminal profiler who now works as a fraudster played by Seo In Guk who is famous for Doom At Your Service and Navillera.

Disguising his scams as a fortune teller shop and him playing as a shaman, he attracts customers with his charm but also ends up helping them with their problems so we know he’s a good person at heart. The female lead is played by Oh Yeon Seo famous for Jang Bori Is Here who is playing a detective who is a smart and righteous person and also likes her work. Now, they both get involved together and the chaos ensues.

The drama, however, started with No.1 ratings, the drama seems a bit similar to a drama that ended recently, “From Now On, Showtime!” because it also had a shaman/magician who gets involved with a passionate police officer and they both start to solve cases with supernatural elements in it.

Whatever we’ve seen by now looks similar to “From Now On, Showtime!”. Reviews for the drama also suggest that people have been pointing that out as well. Coming to the English subtitles updates, the official English subtitles will be available super soon on the OTT platforms.

However, it is too early to judge the drama with just 2 episodes out. Maybe we will see some differences in the near future.


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