The Second Best Hospital in the Galaxy Episode 2: Amazon Prime presents an eight-episodic animation series with a medical background. The plot revolves around two brilliant doctors who’s been our friends for a long time and kept curing and helping scientifically affected people. Each episode showcases different cases, which consist of comedy and scientific elements.

The second episode starts with a conversation of Dr. Klak and Dr. Sleech. There’s been a book signing event conducted by Dr. Klak’s mother and she got ready to leave the hospital. Meanwhile, Dr.Sleech got a new fungus case, a sex blob who’s ready to explode at any time.

Previous Episode: The Second Best Hospital in the Galaxy Episode 1 Recap and Explained

Dr.Plowp joined with Sleech to conduct the evaluation. They carried out the blob in an elevator. Dr.Sleech was worried that it might kill them. On the other side, Dr. Klak reached the venue of the book signing her mom, she talked with a few people outside the venue, and later her mom joined with her. Dr.Klak was very much worried about Sleech.

Dr.Sleech had a hard time with the blob, it kept changing its appearance. She and Plowp tried their best to cure it or kill it, but everything was going wrong with it. They tried to squeeze the blob, but it’s suddenly downsized into a new version. The process caused an electric shortage at the hospital with so many patients suffering. The blob starts to attract everything into its body with its power.

Sleech took a pipe and wiped everything from its body. Dr. Klak and Mom got busy with the event and made many posters and advertisements for her anxiety-based book. Klak’s mom wanted her on the live show with her, but she’s very much worried about it.

Dr Sleech and Plowp tried their best to transfer the blob to its home. Its final death wish is to die at its home ground. Suddenly Dr. Klak reached the clinic and took them on her jet into Blob’s home. During the travel, Sleech and Plowp formed a special intimate bond among them and had sex while Klak helped the blob to reach the ground. In the end, Blob exploded on its home ground with it’s mates and others returned back to the clinic.

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Overall the second episode was colourful and filled with fun elements. We can see how much the characters developed after the pilot episode. The friendship bond between Klak and Sleech developed very much in this episode.



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