Netflix Original presents an American animated adventure series “Skull Island” from the Monsterverse franchise. The series is created and written by Brian Duffield. This series is based on Monsterverse and tells us the journey of a group of explorers trapped on Skull Island where they encounter mysterious creatures along with King Kong and his enemies.

The first season ended with lots of unanswered questions. The show might explore the entire Monsterverse. In the series, we hear Cap talking about the “Hollow Earth,” which might be explained in the next season.

Apart from this, we also don’t know what happened to Mike, Charlie, and Cap. Will Cap and Mike meet Charlie again? Also, we don’t know what happened to the dog. The series also introduces some tribal people, and their identity might be revealed in the next season. Based on this, we can confirm that the next season of “Skull Island” will come.

Although Netflix has not officially confirmed it, let’s wait for the official confirmation. Until then, stay with us for fast updates.



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