Wolf Pack Episode 7 Recap and Ending Explained: Wolf Pack is an American supernatural mystery crime thriller teen drama series that is based on the popular 2004 novel of the same name written by Edo Van Belkom. This series was created by Jeff Davis and follows the story of four teenagers who discover they are connected to a pack where they are able to share the power between them, among other details that we see in this series.

Whereas in this article, I am going to recap along with the ending explanation of episode 7, where we see what happened next after the Baron killed Phoebe and what happened next in episode 7.

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Recap & Summary

Episode 7, titled “Lion’s Breath,” where we see that episode begins with the Everett having visions of the Baron, who is inside the Baron’s mind, where he tells him that he will go to kill again and tries to help him, where the Baron also tells him that he recently killed the Phoebe, where he also reveals that he is going to kill the Austin next, and then his dream ends and reality sets in.

Where we see that Everett calls all the members and tells them about all the visions he has about the Baron, and then we see that Ramsey comes to meet him and talks to him, where they plan to use the technique that Garrett used on him to transform him into a human, and where the pack finds that if they try to stop the Baron from killing more people without killing him, they plan to make him calm, and due to that, he transforms into a human.

Later, we see that Blake’s brother finds the body of Phoebe in their motel room, where we find that the killing style of the werewolves has changed, and then, the police arrive to ask them some questions, and Luna asks Austin about the pack and the killing he saw last night, and we see some romantic scenes between Luna and Austin, where he wants to know if she likes him or not.

Ending Explained

After that, we see that they plan to trap Baron in a freezer room, where he may be transformed into a human. They also created a knife to kill him if anything goes wrong once they are able to trap him. On the other side, Ramsey is found to be a werewolf, and we learn more details about her and her connection with them in the next episode.

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At last, we see that in the backstory, where we see that there is a female werewolf who killed all the firefighters and one was able to escape, the werewolf may be Ramsey, and on the other side, we see that Arson is trapped and transforms into a human. They want to take him home, but Austin strikes him with the knife, and the episode ends.

This is all about the episode 7 recap and ending explained, whereas, in the next episode, we will see what happened to Phoebe and more details about the pack, which we will see in the next episode. Before that, let me know in the comment box how much you like until episode 7.

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