Who killed The Indian In ‘Blood Coast’ Series Explained?: Blood Coast is a six-episodic French action thriller crime series directed by Olivier Marchal, following the story of Franck Murillo and Benamar, a police officer. Alice Vidal, a revered cop killed by Murillo, joins Lyès’ team, and Fanny and her daughter are saved from Murillo’s escape, in this article, I am going to explain every detail about the death of The Indian.
Lyès orders responsible individuals to spread the news that an Indian is alive in exchange for no further investigation, attracting Murillo. Murillo learns from her mother that the Indian is the true perpetrator, and Alice intervenes. Ali Saidi, a bar owner, is shot by ski mask-clad men during a football game.
Later, we see that Murillo’s son was killed by Tarek Hamadi, who had been posing as Murillo’s helper. Hamadi had intended to kill Saidi, but accidentally shot him, killing Murillo’s son. Lyes discovers this and sends Lyes to Murillo. Lyes plans to use Hamadi as bait to bring out Murillo, but this fails when vengeful teenagers kill Hamadi, as he used to exploit them for his drug trade.
Where we see that Murillo, Lyes, and his team arrest him, and Alice Vidal decides not to kill him for her father’s abuse. Lyes and his team are welcomed back with applause. However, Leyes doesn’t have a happy ending. Miranda builds a case around Ali Saidi, but he’s let go due to corruption in the DA. Instead, Miranda arrests Lyes for his past illegal activities.
As the scene moves, we see that The Indian is killed by his young goons in retaliation for killing one earlier. This serves as a piece of good news as it eliminates a dangerous character, but it also serves as a bargaining chip to draw Murillo out. Lyes instructs the killer kids to spread the news that the Indian is still alive.