This World Can’t Tear Me Down Season 2 Release Date: The new animated series on Netflix was released on June 9, 2023. The show is titled as ‘ This World Can’t Tear Me Down‘ and the story is about a man who has returned to his old home after ages and sees that everything around him has changed. In his adventure, he is helped by Zerocalcare to find a new direction in his life.

The story revolves around him, how he meets new people around him, and how he learns everything. The show is created by Zerocalcare, an Italian director who has created many shows and has written many graphic novels.

The voice cast of the show includes Valerio Mastandrea as Zerocalcare. If you have watched the first season of the show and liked it, you might be wondering when the next season of the show will be released.

As of now, the next season of the show might be released next year or in early 2025. It all depends on the show’s popularity as it was recently released, so we cannot tell you for certain whether the show will be renewed for the next season or not.

If we get any updates about the release of the next season, we will let you know here, so stay tuned with us for updates.



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