TOHO Animation has released another trailer with the release date for Season 6 of the upcoming Japanese superhero action anime My Hero Academia. This anime story is set in a world where currently most of the human population has gained the ability to develop superpowers called Quirks.
it shows that around 80% of the world population has a Quirk, and this anime follows the story of a boy Izuku Midoriya, who was born without a Quirk but his only dreams are to become a superhero himself. He is scouted by All Might, japan’s greatest superhero, who helps him to enroll in high school for superheroes in training.
My Hero Academia voice cast includes Ayane Sakura, Yamashita, Kouki Uchiyama, Nobuhiko Okamoto, Yuuki Kaji, Marina Inoue, Misato Fukuen, Ryō Iwasaki, Ryou Hirohash, Sayaka Kinoshita, Hatanaka, and more.
This anime is directed by Kenji Nagasaki, Tomo Okubo, and Masahiro Mukai and is Produced by Kazumasa Sanjoba, Hayato Saga, and others, The show is Written by Yosuke Kuroda.
My Hero Academia Season 6 will be premiering on October 1st in Japan, on YTV and NTV.