Captain Yutthachai, who plays the character, explained: Yutthachai is a very important role in this series, and you can say he is a negative character too. He is a detective, and many things are unfolding about him.

Let’s know who played the character of Yutthachai with a character explanation.

In the series, the character Yutthachai is played by Peter Nopachai Jayanama. He is a 49-year-old Thai-German actor. He has appeared in movies like “Hunger” (2023), “Headshot” (2011), “Nymph” (2009), “King Naresuan” and its sequels, “Take Me Home” (2016), “Homestay” (2018), and “Anatomy of Time” (2021). He has also appeared in series like “Hurts Like Hell” (2022) and “Sri Ayodhya” (2017-2018).

Yutthachai is a detective who is appointed to find out about the missing girls in the city. Later, we see a black-dressed guy attack Mr. Too and June for the camera. That guy is none other than Yutthachai himself. His daughter, Claire, went missing at the start of the series, and he wants to bring her back.

He kidnaps Lilly and searches for the camera from everyone. You can say he is a negative character, but everything he does is to bring back his daughter. Later, Mr. Too deletes him and brings back Lilly. That’s how the story of Yutthachai ends.

That’s everything about Captain Yutthachai. If you want to know more, ask in the comment section.



Love To Watch, Explain and Decode Films and Shows Since 2014. Chemical Engineer By Degree Cinephile by Choice. I Love to Watch Anime and Games Related shows.

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