Akiba Maid War Episode 12: Akiba Maid War is an original Japanese anime series, Directed by Sōichi Masui and written by Yoshihiro Hiki. Music composed by Yoshihiro Ike and characters designed by Manabu Nii.
The series is produced by CygamesPictures and P.A. Works. Cygames is a Game Development company that recently started funding for anime series, their best work is Blade Runner Black Out 2022, a short film, it’s a prequel to Blade Runner: 2049.
The series follows Nagomi Wahira, a 17-year-old girl, who moved to Akiba and got a job at a pig-themed maid cafe, but she didn’t expect how hard it was going to be for her, As the name suggests Akiba Maid War, it’s become War for her.
The series Voice Cast, Reina Kondo as Nagomi Wahira, Rina Satou as Ranko Mannen, Aya Hirano as Okachimachi, Ayahi Takagaki as Cafe Manager, Jenya as Zoya, Minami Tanaka as Yumechi, Tomoyo Kurosawa as Shiipon and more.
Akiba Maid War’s Final episode is going to be released on December 23, 2022, at 8:30 PM IST only on Crunchyroll in India and in Europe.
The series is available on Crunchyroll in the Japanese Language With English Subtitles, so you don’t need to think about How am i going to watch the series without knowing Japanese.