What Happens to Younger Toguro?: YuYu Hakusho is a Japanese action-fantasy adventure television series created by Akira Morii and Kazutaka Sakamoto for Netflix. It is a live-action adaptation of the 1990-94 manga series by Yoshihiro Togashi. The series follows Yusuke, a character trained by Master Genkai, as he faces off against a Younger Taguro named Yokai.
In this show, Toguro sees Genkai in the other world after his death, and they last saw each other before going separate ways. The Toguro brothers who became demons and appeared younger than Genkai. Toguro’s conversation with Genkai as he transitions from the human world to Hell is his redemption, as the villain admits he wants someone strong to defeat him once and for all.
The older Toguro is nearly impossible to kill due to his ability to reconnect his body parts. To kill him and it may take a lot of work, possibly due to the end credits of Yu Yu Kahusho’s final episode. However, the older Toguro is still somewhat alive. Whereas the Yukina rescue mission does not include Kurama fighting Karasu or Hiei fighting Bui.
Younger Toguro is not killed by Yusuke in their first fight, and Kuwabara’s technique saves the day. Sakyo does not kill himself at this point, as his bet against Koenma only happens during the tournament. Where Yusuke is determined to save his friends and uses his powers in a final spirit gun attack, destroying Toguro’s body.
Also Read: Yu Yu Hakusho Ending Explained
Yusuke saves his friends by using his powers in a final spirit gun attack, destroying Toguro’s body. Toguro’s soul meets with Genkai for the last time, necessitating a Dark Tournament adaptation that differs significantly from the source material. Younger Toguro sees Genkai in the other world after his death and they appear younger than Genkai due to their demon status.