Blood Coast is a French action thriller crime series directed by Olivier Marchal, following the story of Franck Murillo and Benamar, a police officer. Alice Vidal, a revered cop killed by Murillo, joins Lyès’ team, saving Fanny and her daughter from Murillo’s escape. Lyès orders responsible individuals to spread the news of an Indian’s existence in exchange for no investigation, attracting Murillo.
Alice Vidal who is a young Interpol police officer, is sent to Marseille to control drug-related violence. She has a personal vengeance against drug gangs, as her father was killed by Murillo’s men during a graveyard gunfight. Lyes, a police officer, faces internal issues as Internal Affairs officer Victor Miranda investigates him for alleged criminal ties
Despite occasional contact with gang members, Lyes’ boss, Marion Fabiani, protects him. He now faces both internal and drug-related problems. Alice Vidal is Lyes Benemar’s new Interpol partner assigned by Police Commissioner Marion Fabiani. Vidal’s assignment is not a coincidence, as she has a personal vendetta against Franck Murillo who is a drug cartel leader.
We see that Alice and Lyes find a location for Murillo, who is killed by Saidi gangsters. Tobias follows the man and brings Saidi gangsters to kill Murillo for revenge. Murillo escapes, but Lyes saves Fanny and Zoe and conducts a DNA test on the girl to confirm her father. It is revealed that Tarek Hamadi, who had been posing as Murillo’s helper, was the real killer. Hamadi had intended to kill Saidi but accidentally killed Murillo’s son, causing his death.
Jeanne Goursaud who portrayed the role of Alice Vidal has appeared in several films along with some shows where her best performance in the Netflix series Barbarians, Paramount+ series The Chemistry of Death, The Magic Flute, and more.