Onimusha is an original anime series based on the popular video game franchise by Capcom. The anime series is written by Hideyuki Kurata, and directed by Shinya Sugai, and Takashi Miike. The anime has 8 episodes with each episode having a runtime of 25 to 36 minutes.
The series has a bigger and famous voice artist for characters some voice artist like Akio Otsuka who gave his voice to the main character Musashi Miyamoto. Akio Otsuka is best known for his role of All for One in My Hero Academia, and many more characters from the anime world. The series stars some other prominent voice actors from the Japanese anime industry like Daiki Yamashita, Hōchū Ōtsuka, Toshihiko Seki, and many more.
Netflix’s Onimusha is set in the Edo period when Japan was transitioning toward peace, we see Musashi Miyamoto who goes on a secret mission to kill evil demons which we know as Zombies.
Is Onimusha Renewed For Season 2?
No, the story is complete and it is out of the box for Netflix to renew it. Still if Netflix renew Onimusha for season 2 it can stream on Netflix on Late 2024 or Summer 2025.