Big Mouth is a South Korean mystery thriller drama series that stars Lee Jong-suk & Lim Yoon-ah. Big Mouth depicts the story of an excellent lawyer who becomes a culprit in a murder case. He delves into the upper classes in order to survive and protect his family.
The K-Drama is slated to be released on 29th July on MBC TV and will air every Fri-Sat thereafter. In some countries, it can be streamable on Disney+.
Park Chang-ho, is a third-fee lawyer with a pitiful 10% success record. Because of his outspoken mouth, he has earned a nickname, Big Mouth. He occurs to become entangled in a murder case and got subsequently linked to the con artist Big Mouse.
Go Min-ho, who is Park Chang-ho’s wife, is a nurse. She has an extraordinary appearance and a bold and wise mentality. She always supported her husband financially and emotionally while he pursued his legal career. When she got to know about her husband is thought to be a cunning con artist Big Mouth, she put an effort to clear her husband’s identity.
The show stars Lee Jong-suk playing the role of Park Chang-ho, he will be seen as a mediocre lawyer. The show also stars Lim Yoon-ah playing her role as Park Chang-ho’s wife Go Min-ho.