Unintentional Love Story Season 2: The latest K-drama revolves around Ji Won Young, who gets fired from his job due to corruption charges. However, it turns out that it was all set up for him, and he is determined to get his job back at any cost.
So, he sets out to find the office’s chairman’s favorite artist, who runs a pottery shop in a remote village. However, the artist is nowhere to be found, and Ji Won Young decides to stay in the village to learn more. As time goes on, he develops feelings and starts questioning himself.
Will he be able to return to his work? To know more, you can watch the series on TVING. Fans who have watched this series are now eagerly waiting for the second season to be released.
As of now, there is no official update regarding the second season of the series. The next season might be released in 2025. We will keep you informed if we receive any updates. Stay tuned with us.