The First Responders Episode 9 watch Online Guide: The First Responders is a South Korean television series developed by Studio S. The series is directed by Shin Kyung-soo and written by Min Ji-Eun, Here goes the update and watch online Guide about episodes 8 and 9 of the show.
The series stars Kim Rae-won as Jin Ho-gae, Son Ho-jun as Bong Do-jin, Gong Seung-yeon as Song Seol, Seo Hyun-chul as Baek Cham and Kang Ki-doing as Gongmyung Pil in the main lead roles, The show also stars Ji Woo as Bong Anna, Woo Mi-hwa as Dok Go-soon, Jung Jin-woo as Choi Ki-soo, Lee Woo-je as Han Dong-woo and more.
The series follows Jin Ho-gae, a police detective and Bong Do-jin, a firefighter and their services. They jointly respond to fierce scenes between crime, disasters and emergencies.
The First Responders, Season 1 Episode 08 and Episode 09 is Now streaming on Disney+ Hotstar in the Korean Language with English Subtitles.
Watch New Episodes Every Friday And Saturday at 8:00 PM only On Disney+ Hotstar.