Shadow Detective K Drama: Disney+ has released the trailer with the release date of the upcoming South Korean psychological crime thriller mystery drama series Shadow Detective, which follows the story of a Detective and a phone call from the truth.
Shadow Detective follows the story of a veteran detective named Kim Taek-Rok who is waiting for his retirement at the Geumo Police Station, The story changes when Kuk Jin-Han gets transferred to the same station as the chief of the investigation with him, and one day he receives a call from an old friend, and the story changes to a Kim Taek-Rok soon becomes a suspect in the murder of Woo Hyun-Seok, and the story unfolds the truth of the murder.
The Shadow Detective cast includes Lee Sung Min, Jin Goo, Kyung Soo Jin, Lee Hak Joo, and Kim Tae Hoon in the Kim Hong Fa main lead roles, The show also stars Geum Kwang San, Kim Min Jae, and more, and is directed by Han Dong Hwa.
This Korean drama is set to release on October 26, only on Disney+, with a new episode every week to eight episodes.
- Episode 1 Release Date: 26th October 2022
- Next Episode Release Date: Each Friday