Raven of the Inner Palace Episode 11 Watch Online: Raven of the Inner Palace is a Japanese animated historical mystery thriller supernatural anime series directed by Chizuru Miyawaki, based on the light novel series written by Kokashi Shirakawa.

In Episode 11, titled “Groundwork,” where we see the news of a cloth mask that enables a person to see the ghost that turns around with the attention of Gaojun, and where we see that Gaojun leaves to warn Yongde, we already know that Shouxue is not doing as she is told and defends herself for the others.

We can see that Yao has stopped him by knowing him, as we can see when he is burned with the lute and also burned with the mask after his fever has subsided.

The release date of Episode 11 is on Sunday, December 11, 2022, and will stream on Tokyo MX, GYT, GTV, BS11, KTV, and globally on Crunchyroll, The release time is at 6:10 a.m. Eastern Time and at 7:40 p.m. Indian Standard Time.

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