“Psycho: The Lost Tapes of Ed Gein” is a crime documentary based on the life of serial killer “Ed Gein.” The documentary consists of four episodes and is directed by James Buddy Day, a writer, director, and producer best known for his work on crime documentaries. Some of his notable works include “Catching a Serial Killer: Bruce McArthur” (2021), “The Shocking Truth” (2017), and “The Salvation of Todd Bentley” (2015).

In the documentary, we see various authors and criminal psychologists discussing Ed Gein and his mental state. The show is distributed by MGM and will soon be available on Amazon Prime Video worldwide. If you’re interested in watching it, you may have to wait a little bit.

When will Episode 2 of “Psycho” be released?

The first episode of “Psycho: The Lost Tapes of Ed Gein” was released on September 17th, 2023. The next episode is scheduled to be released on September 24th, 2023, which falls on a Sunday, at 12:00 AM PST on MGM+ in the USA.

What can we expect from Episode 2 of “Psycho”?

The first episode didn’t delve deeply into Ed Gein’s life; it focused more on his mother and the day of his arrest. In the second episode of “Psycho,” we can anticipate learning about the first murder committed by Ed Gein. This is because Bernice Worden was not his first victim.


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