Play It Cool, Guys is a Japanese anime series based on a web manga series written and illustrated by Kokone Nata. The anime series is produced by Pierrot and directed by Chiaki Kon. Scripts written by Makoto Uezu and Eri Taguchi designed the character and also served as chief animation Director, with Music Composed by Masato Nakayama.

The series follows Souma Shiki, Hayate Ichikura, Shun Futami, and Takayuki Mima, four Clumsy guys. The four disguise their embarrassment, but due to their silly and foolish nature, the girl always loves them. No matter what happens in their daily lives, they always do their best to not lose their cool!

Play It Cool, Guys, Episode 09 Going To be Release On December 05 in Japan at 10:00 Pm JST and in India at 6:30 Pm IST.

Play it Cool, Guys Anime Series is Streaming on Crunchyroll With English Sub.

Are you excited about the upcoming episodes, please let us know in the comments, for more news and updates stay tuned with us.



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