Ookh The Inner Chambers Season 2 Release Date: The official adaption of the Japanese Manga series of the same name which was created by Fumi Yoshinaga, Ooku: The Inner Chambers is now streaming on Netflix, the story of the show follows early Japan where there is a disease Redface Pox which has affected all the men’s in the country.

And now after 80 years all the major roles are taken by the women in the country because there is very fewer men population left now, and the most beautiful men are sent to work in the inner chambers of the OOkh, the story is so unique and is so much loved by the anime lovers and now they are waiting for next season to get a release.

So talking about it as of now there is no official update regarding the second season release date of the series, as it got released recently and it all depends on reviews from the audience and how many views they will get but the series is performing well in the platform and you can expect the second season in late 2024.

We will let you know if we get any updates so for more news and updates stay tuned with us.



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