Los Billis Season 2 Release Date: Los Billis is a coming-of-age teenage drama created by Diego Ayala López and Daniel Ayala López. The series is inspired by real events and is set in the 80’s In Bogota. The show has 8 episodes with each having a run time of 30 to 43 minutes. All episodes are now streaming on Amazon Prime Video.

The series stars some prominent young actors from South America such as Julian Zuluaga M, Santiago Rodríguez, Francisca Estevez, Nicolás Santa who played leading role in the series.

Los Billis means The Billis in english, and it follows the story of David who join The Billis gang in the 1980s. The Billis is a real gang that operated in the Bogota in 80s when the drug was booming the city. The gang started from some friends but later became a big gang which take control of the city.

Is Los Billis Renewed for Season 2?

Los Billis Season 1 Ended, but the story isn’t as there is more to the story that creators can show us. Los Billis has a heavy chance of getting renewed for season 2 if it’s got good response from fans and critics we can expect it to be renewed for season 2.

If Los Billis is renewed for Season 2, we can expect it to release on Late 2024 or Summer 2025.



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